Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Having It All

Considering how much time you spend in the kitchen it is the one room where having all the things you want to make life easier and fun just makes sense. Certainly that was the case for one Denver couple who loves to entertain but also wanted a central gathering place where their two young sons could hang out with the ease. For them having it all meant a beautiful, sophisticated backdrop with lots of hard working storage and a cozy banquette for informal family meals. A combination of kabi laminate and acrylic cabinets, and kabi custom features like spice drawers, sliding drawer storage for linens and serving pieces, a coffee station, and a place to hide the TV among other things gave them just that. Feel free to use their example to start a kitchen wish list of your own.

Marble on the center island provides a touch of elegance, and refrigerator panels create continuity. 

Drawers on either side of the stove include places for storing spices and other cooking essentials.

The built in buffet includes handy storage for utensils, linens and serving pieces.   The upper cabinets open to reveal a flat screen television.

The banquette is constructed from a kabi laminate that complements the surrounding wall.

A convenient computer nook provides a place for  paying bills or  looking up recipes.

Cups and other coffee making accoutrement are stashed in a drawer below the built in coffee maker.  When it's time for  that morning pick me up the shelf slides out to create a coffee making area, 

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